Live & Wired Ep 115: Prepare to be Adapted

Gears of War is finally getting a (blog) movie! ...on Netflix? ThiccBlackDaddy on Twitch: ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 115: Prepare to be Adapted - Decker Shado More Videos

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Could be better.

Things have been a bit less than optimal lately, but I don't (blog) want to be a (blog) no show horror movie reviews for another Wednesday. So how's everyone doing ...Source: Could be better. - Decker Shado More Videos

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The Terminator Movie Review

Back in 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger was already a very recognizable actor. However, "actor" was seen as more a technicality of his job than his talent and capabilities. This outlook changed quite sharply when it was decided that instead of playing the hero of this time-travel-killer-robot-dark-future thing James Cameron had been working on, he wo

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Hatchet Movie Review

What better way to ease into reviews that aren't Freddy or Jason movies than to look at a film that's a homage to the slasher legends of the 80s? To that end, this week's review is Hatchet, (blog post) a story about a deformed killer in the swamps named Victor Crowly and the incredibly stupid teenagers that "fight back" in ways that look like the

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Hellraiser (2022) review

Out now on Hulu, it's the latest Hellraiser movie! Boy, this series has been through the wringer, hasn't it? From Inferno, to Deader, Hellworld, Hellseeker, Revelations and Judgement it seems that the Hellraiser series is mostly about just throwing out a random horror movie, putting pins in someone's cranium and keeping the rights for at least

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